The Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons has published its report Never Again: The UK’s Responsibility to Act on Atrocities in Xinjiang and Beyond, citing written evidence submitted on behalf of IPS by Federica D’Alessandra and Kirsty Sutherland in response to the Parliamentary Inquiry on Xinjiang. Aligning with IPS’ recommendations were the following measures recommended by the House of Commons: that the UK Government mobilises multilateral action to increase pressure on the Chinese government to allow international observers access to Xinjiang; that it explore the prospect of a Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry, and raise a complaint against China to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; in addition, that the UK government support minority ethnic groups fleeing human rights abuses by implementing an asylum fast track (including for Uyghurs); that it ensures that no fruits of forced labour, such as cotton products, are imported in the UK from Xinjiang; and that it forbids companies providing surveillance equipment to detention camps from operating in the UK.
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Never Again: Report of House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee Cites IPS Written Evidence