Our Programme on International Peace and Security (IPS) is pleased to announce the launch of a new research project, Public Health and National Security after COVID-19. The project, which is funded by the University Policy Partnership scheme, is carried out in partnership with the US National Defense University’s Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction (CSWMD), designated by the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the focal point for education in the Department of Defense on the challenges posed by weapons of mass destruction. The research team, composed of IPS Executive Director Federica D’Alessandra, alongside Nima Gerami, IPS and CSWMD Consultant, and Amanda Moodie, CSWMD Policy Fellow, will engage with policy stakeholders, including within the Department of Defense, the Department of State, and their UK counterparts, to assess the policy trade-offs involved in the increasing securitisation of public health.
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New IPS Research Project: National Security and Human Rights in the Aftermath of COVID-19
