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Madeleine McGregor

Research Assistant
Madeleine McGregor is a Master of Public Policy (MPP) candidate at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. Madeleine is also a Bonavero Human Rights Fellow and Rhodes Scholar.
Madeleine is working with Deputy Director Federica D’Alessandra at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC) on projects concerning accountability mechanisms for atrocity crimes. This includes the Research Project “Mass Atrocities in the Digital Era: Preserving Social Media Evidence”. Her key interests lie in international and human rights law, particularly ways to strengthen accountability and protections. 
Prior to coming to Oxford, Madeleine worked in commercial disputes, including on international sanctions. She has also volunteered with the Aboriginal Legal Service, Kimberley Community Legal Service, and Refugee Advice and Casework Service. Madeleine holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons 1) and Bachelor of Economics from the Australian National University, as a Tuckwell Scholar, and is admitted as a Solicitor in the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
Madeleine McGregor wearing a red top with a blurred background.