Dr Priya Urs is a Junior Research Fellow in Law at St John’s College, University of Oxford and a Research Fellow at ELAC. She holds a PhD in Law from University College London, a Master of Law from the University of Cambridge, and a Bachelor of Arts and Law from the National Law School of India University. She was previously a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at ELAC (2021–22).
Priya’s research interests span across public international law and, in addition to general aspects, include international criminal law, the law on the use of force, and international dispute settlement. Priya also works with ELAC on the applicability of existing rules of international law to cyber operations and co-authored the open-access report The International Law Protections against Cyber Operations Targeting the Healthcare Sector.
Prior to her PhD, Priya spent three years as a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law in Heidelberg, Germany (2014-2017), where she designed and implemented institutional capacity-building projects in conflict and post-conflict states.