Home > New IPS Report: ‘Public Health Security and the COVID-19 Pandemic’

New IPS Report: ‘Public Health Security and the COVID-19 Pandemic’

Nov 8, 2021

ELAC’s Programme on International Peace and Security (IPS) is thrilled to announce the publication of its latest report in partnership with the National Defense University (NDU)’s Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction (CSWMD), titled Rethinking Health Security after COVID19. The study, which was co-authored by Amanda Moodie (IPS policy partner at NDU), Nima Gerami (former ELAC Visiting Fellow and IPS research consultant) with Federica D’Alessandra (ELAC Deputy Director and Executive Director of IPS) was published on November 8. It examines the history, evolution, and policy trade-offs associated with the prevailing health security paradigm, representing the final product of a year-long collaborative effort between IPS and CSWMD, funded by the University of Oxford Higher Education Innovation Fund through the Research & Public Partnership Scheme. The project team’s findings and recommendations were previewed at a panel discussion, held on the margins of the 2021 G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting at Oxford, hosted by Federica D’Alessandra (with the support of Nima Gerami) and featuring Amanda Moodie, Professor Jonathan Wolff (Blavatnik School of Government), and Dr Piers Millett (Future of Humanity Institute). You can watch the event here. The full report is available here.
