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ELAC Participates in Roundtables on Ethics of Humanitarian Action

Feb 10, 2023

On 16 January, Senior Research Fellow Emanuela Chiara-Gillard participated in a virtual roundtable on the principle and practice of humanitarian neutrality during the Syrian civil war since 2011. The roundtable was the first in a series on the ethics of humanitarian action and is followed by a discussion on red lines for humanitarian aid in Afghanistan following the ban on women aid workers. This roundtable was chaired and organised by by Kristoffer Lidén at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and the Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies in collaboration with the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC) and the International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV). The webinar series is part of the research project Red Lines and Grey Zones: Exploring the Ethics of Humanitarian Negotiations. Speakers included Carsten Wieland, a diplomat, scholar and the author of Syria and the Neutrality Trap: The Dilemmas of Delivering Humanitarian Aid through Violent Regimes, and Anna Cervi, former Country Director of the Norwegian Refugee Council in Damascus. A recording of the roundtable is available here.

On 10 February, Senior Research Fellow Hugo Slim participated in a roundtable on where to draw red lines for humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, the second in the series on the ethics of humanitarian action. Speakers included Mukesh Kapila, Professor of Global Health and Humanitarian Affairs at the University of Manchester and former Under Secretary General at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and Fatima Gailani, Afghan political leader and women’s rights activist and former president of the Afghan Red Crescent Society. You can watch the roundtable here.
