Home > Stephen Rapp Speaks on Creating High War Crimes Court for Ukraine

Stephen Rapp Speaks on Creating High War Crimes Court for Ukraine

Jul 22, 2022

On 22 July, IPS Senior Visiting Fellow of Practice Ambassador Stephen Rapp spoke on an expert roundtable, hosted by the Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG), presenting draft legislation for a High War Crimes Court of Ukraine to investigate and prosecute those allegedly responsible for atrocity crimes committed in Ukraine since November 2013. The discussion draft was intended to inform the formulation of a domestic prosecutorial mechanism that will complement the efforts by existing domestic courts, the ICC, and any future hybrid international tribunal for the crime of aggression. During the roundtable, PILPG’s working group, consisting of international and Ukrainian experts, presented and discussed the need to establish such a court and provided an overview of the essential provisions of the legislation. You can watch the event here.
