Welcome to Solferino 21’s microsite! Here you can find some of the analysis and conclusions from ELAC’s project on war and humanitarian aid in the twenty first century led by Hugo Slim with Nicholas Barker and Moshe Ben Hamo Yeger.
About the project
Called “Solferino 21” and funded by the National Red Cross Societies of Germany, Norway and Great Britain, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the project marks the 160th anniversary of the publication of Henri Dunant’s seminal humanitarian text, A Memory of Solferino, in 1862.
Dunant’s powerful book inspired the founding of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the First Geneva Convention of 1864 to protect the wounded in war.
160 years later, Solferino 21 looks at warfare and humanitarian aid as it is today, and as it is likely to evolve in the next ten years. It traces similarities and changes between Dunant’s day and our own, and explores how humanitarian commitments envisaged by Dunant are keeping pace with war today, and how they need to adapt.
The book and its four main areas
The project’s main output is the book Solferino 21: Warfare, Civilians and Humanitarians in the Twenty First Century, by Hugo Slim. Here you can find some of the key findings of the project, along with further resources, across the four main areas of the book:

You can also check our events page to keep you up to date with various launch events, blogs, lectures, and seminars associated with Solferino 21.

Dunant’s original humanitarian vision

Warfare today and tomorrow

Civilian experience of war